View Profile Some-Stupid-Idiot
Everything is awesome. That tree, AWESOME! Those birds, AWESOME!!. That pile of shit, AWESOME!!!1!!11!!!!!

Age 33, Male


Alton High


Joined on 3/5/06

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I Got Her Number

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 6th, 2008

That's right, I asked her for her phone number, she gave it to me, and then she told me she was grounded. The good thing about this is that she is grounded because of her math grade and since I got an A in that class I can help her out. It's only geometry and I can offer to help her which can help us to get closer. I can also meet her parents that way.

Seeing as I gave her my number she put it into her phone. Well I just recieved a call from some woman, who I believe to be her mother, interrogating me. She asked me, what grade am I in, have I ever picked her up, and if I know her. Well I answered everything honestly and I could hear my girlfriend in the back complaining. But being as I am I just played it cool and listened. If it was her mother I bet it was a way of interrogating me to see what my intentions are with her daughter.

I just realized something, how did she get my home phone number when I gave her my cell phone number.


Hah number maths hehe good!

This isn't a joke, I seriously got her number and I can help her with her math. I'm not the best teacher but I know how to explain s=things.

What a coincidence for you.

Well she is in a lower grade than I so it's highly possible I would've taken that course.

thats freaking weird...
probably because your dating a freshman...
i have too, and his parents weren't big fans of that but they put up with it.
I have done vice versa as well, when i was a freshman, i was dating a senior, and my mom didn't like the age difference, BUT for some reason she doesn't care if i date one now... (odd) but you should talk to your gf about this next time you see her. Her mom is probably worried about the age thing and you taking advantage of her or something... hopefully her mom won't be to much of an influence on your guys relationship...

I'm not all too sure it was actually her mom but I really don't see anything wrong witht he age difference. She was probably wondering, "who's number is this on my phone," or something like that.

hmm, well if your girlfriend was complaining in the backround... yeah idk... that may be it. But i don't see anything wrong with that type of age difference, in our state as long as your not past four year age difference its okay to date that person. (this goes for anyone who will be dating a minor, other wise you can get in trouble with the law) since i'm 17 at the moment, if someone who was 22 wanted to date me they could get arrested and would have to wait til i'm 18, and i couldnt date a 12 year old (not that i would XP) i could get arrested for it being past 4 year age difference. Yeah i kinda got off topic there... (sorry lol)

Well all I know is that I like her and I could care less about the age difference.