View Profile Some-Stupid-Idiot
Everything is awesome. That tree, AWESOME! Those birds, AWESOME!!. That pile of shit, AWESOME!!!1!!11!!!!!

Age 33, Male


Alton High


Joined on 3/5/06

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Some-Stupid-Idiot's News

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - March 15th, 2009

First one to make a topic gets a cookie.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - March 9th, 2009

/* */

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - February 18th, 2009

In creative writing we must have a portfolio of writing amounting to 25 pages each quarter. Now this is no problem except we must publish one poem and one piece of writing. I'm thinking of submitting my short story but it still needs revising. I'm wonder if you guys can help. It still has no name so if there are any suggestions tell me.

"Mom is breakfast ready?" asked a young man with short brown hair, blue eyes, and an average build.

"In a minute, why don't you set up the table for me?"

The young man set the table up for three, when his father came into the room.

"Scott, how many times do I have to tell you to put your damn clothes in the hamper after a shower!?" yelled his father.

"I forgot, it wo-"

"Damn right it won't," his father interrupted.

"Why are you yelling?"

"Because I am the parent and I have the right to yell at you."

"No it doesn't," Scott muttered under his breath.

"Why you-"

"Settle down you two and eat already. You do remember what happened last time?" said the mother, coming to the rescue.

Scott and his father looked at each other. Scott was rubbing his jaw and a little flustered while his father got quiet.

The meal was silent except for the sound of their forks poking through their eggs and hitting their plate. Only a few glances were exchanged. Someone turned on the morning news and someone was talking about how they're might be a tornado this afternoon and they should be careful.

Scott picked up his school books and left in a hurry, he needed to get out.

On his way to school Scott needed to let off a little steam. He saw a bush and kicked and pulled on it. No one drove by or else they probably would have called the police on him for vandalism or something. Taking a deep breath and feeling relieved he continued on his way. The sky was gray with no sun in sight.

"It's warm today."

School seemed all but a blur to Scoot. Math class he fell asleep, English he spaced out, in his computer class he finished his assignment before the teacher explained it and played games. There was nothing special about this day, nothing at all.

Lunch time rolled around and he got the same thing he did everyday, a chicken patty with chocolate milk and some side dish. He sat down with his friends and they talked nonsense.

"Did you see the new..."

"... and then I said..."

"Scott are you alright?" one of his friends asked.

"Yeah, I'm just spacing out."

Once these words left Scotts list some loud sirens that reminded him of the air strikes from those old movies went off. Everyone was confused as hell and some even panicked. A voice came from the loud speakers.

"Everyone stay calm and follow my orders. A tornado has touched down not to far from us. Everyone is to find their closest teacher, administrator, or other staff member and they will tell you what to do."

"I didn't even get to finish eating." Scott wrapped up his half-eaten chicken patty and put it in his pocket then drank his chocolate milk. After this was all done he joined the rest of the people.

It was pretty obvious people were going to be freaking out, crying and what-not. The teachers tried to keep us all calm with little avail. They then told us to put our heads against our lockers and cover our necks.

Following their orders Scott put his head down and covered his neck, but wouldn't you know, right next to him was some fat kid with a horrible smell. Scott could hear him blubbering something in fear.

Outside of the noise of students and teachers barking orders, the sound of freight train was coming. Scott anticipated what was to come and braced himself. He made himself as small as possible, uttered a prayer, and closed his eyes.

Next thing you know the whole world seemed to shake. The sounds of glass breaking along with the Freight Train from Hell were all that could be heard. A piece of ceiling tile fell onto Scott's back, he didn't care he just wanted to be safe. It only lasted about 30 seconds but it must've been 30 minutes for a few of them. When the shaking and the noise stopped Scott stood up and brushed the debris from him. He looked around, asides from some fallen tiles everything looked fine. It wasn't until he came to the main doors, without permission mind you, did he see the real damage.

Nearly every car was either busted up or blown out of place. Several house seemed ripped from their foundations, and others were close to falling apart. An administrator came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder telling him to go to the cafeteria.

He went and reached into his pocket for his cell phone, no bars.

"Bastard must've knocked down the tower."

He looked around and saw that there were students everywhere worried and trying to reach their parents with no avail. The crowd reminded him of those alley dogs you see in the movies, scared and hungry. Scott thought to himself that at least one of them lost someone, hoping he wasn't one of them. Scott felt a strange urge to get out and go home, he just wanted to see that his parents were safe. The teacher was taking a census to make sure everyone was there. After Scott's name was called he made his escape.

There was no one, except for a few students, by the stairwell. Some of those students stared at him but he told them to keep quiet. Downstairs no one was in the hallway, his exit was in sight. Unfortunately there was a security officer right around the corner; with his ever-vigilant eyes Scott was going to have a little trouble. Luckily Scott was clever and came up with a plan.

"Umm excuse me," Scoot asked, making sure the officer didn't get a good look at his face.

"You're not suppose to be here."

"Well you see, a big fight broke out upstairs and all the teachers are doing their best to keep it under control. I came looking for you, they need your help."

"All right, you come with me."

"Well, you see, I have to go to the bathroom; I'll meet you there."

"What's your name?"

"John Smith."

"If I find out you're lying to me John, you're in big trouble."

The guard ran off and Scott went toward the bathroom, which is closer to the exit than he was. When he was sure the guard was off he broke for the door. He was out of there and soon he will be home. But unfortunately the security guard was sharper than he thought.

"Hey, get back here. If I catch you, you're in big trouble. You hear me?"

Scott wasn't scared, he had the advantage. Scott was on the track team and this guard was short and stubby. Scoot took off and ran for about 2 minutes, until he could no longer see the school and the guard gave up the chase a while ago. Scott still had a two mile walk ahead of him, only 30 minutes, to travel through Hell, the tornado's aftermath.

Not even ten minutes after he left Scott was confrotted with a stray dog. Usually they mind their own business and don't bother anyone, but this one had a crazy look in it's eye. It had scars all over its body, it's eye was closed up (or probably missing), and the ribs could easily be seen through the skin. Scot couldn't recognize the breed, but the fur was matted in dirt and this thing was hungry.

"H-h-hey there little fella," stuttered Scott.

The dog growled and barked at him. Scott jumped back and put his hand on his pant leg. He remembered he still had that chicken patty. Slowly he reached for it and unwrapped it. He took it in his hand, the dog's eye never left it, and threw it toward the dog. The dog stared at Scott, then ate the meal. When it was all gone, the dog looked at Scoot and ran off.

"I just about pissed my pants," thought Scott.

All around him was destruction. From the school's perspective it seemed like nothing, but as he gone deeper and deeper in the labyrinth it seemed as if it only got worse. Scott felt an empty feeling deep in his chest, he just felt that something bad has happened. He was now only four blocks away.

Scott thought about his father, and why he was always so angry.

"Scott, what's the matter with you? You were always a good student, but now you're failing." asked his father.

"I don't know.'

"Do you care about your future anymore?"

"Yes I do, it's just... I don't know."

"Scott, listen to me, you can't give up on your education, no good has ever came out of doing that."

"Why don't you leave me alone?"

"I don't want to leave you alone. I don't want to see my son become some bum on the street corner."

"So you think I'm a bum? That's it isn't it?"

"Now Scott, that isn't what I said at all."

"That's exactly what you said."

Scott's father was becoming infuriated, he balled up his hand and it began to shake.

"Now listen here boy, I'm your father, and it's my job to worry about you," it seemed as if steam was about to come out his ears.

Scott didn't notice, "leave me alone old man."

That was the straw that broke the camels back, his father couldn't take it anymore. He to his fist and brought it across Scott's jaw.

His mother came into the room and was speechless. Scott couldn't even believe what happened to him. Even his father was shcoked at what he has done.

"I wish I didn't have to do that, but you gave me no choice," he walked off into his room.

Scott thought to himself, "when this is all over, I'm going to study hard for you pops."

After his little epiphany he laced his shoes up nice and ted, rolled up his pant legs, did a little stretch, and took off. He knew at this pace he would be home in no time at all. There was no way he could cut across peoples yards without breaking his leg.

As he turned the final corner he was blind to everything but where his house stood. The little blue one, three down from the curb... well not anymore. It collapsed in on itself right in front of him. Scott feared for the worse and ran up the his house. He slid over someone's car and went through the front door, well what was the door. His house, his home, had been destroyed. All his clothes, prized possessions and family heirlooms, destroyed. Scott put his hand on his head when he realized that was his dad's car he slid over.

He made his way over the debris, the only sounds were the breaking of glass, the wind blowing through the splintered columns, and the sound of rescue workers. Scott came to a passageway that lead down, he then thought that the floor could've collapsed under him, he should have been a lot more careful. He walked down the steps, being careful not to slipp. They creaked under his feet as he descended into darkness.

Now totally in darkness Scott tried to look for the light cord in a futile effor. The power was out, how would that work anyways. Scoot reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He searched every corner of the basement with that little phone and found no one.

"Did they go somewhere, no dad's car is still hre. Where they rescued? That has to be it," thoughts were just racing through his head.

Scott made his way to the steps when something caught his foot. It was a dumbbell that must've fallen off the bar from the vibration. Scott went right down onto the concrete flor and onto his face. He picked himself up and felt a warm fluid flowing on his face and the smell of iron.

"I think I broke my nose."

Even more careful that before, while leaning back to stop the blood flow, Scott made his way back up the stair and into the Hell. Scott saw an emergency vehicle and made his way toward it. He was met by a worker who asked why he wasn't in school but then saw his nose and seemed to forget. They put him on the pack of their truck and shoved some stuff up his nose to stop the bleeding.

He looked to his right, then his left. He saw a couple, old enough to be his parents age, covered in dust gripping each other. Focusing on them now, Scott saw that they were his own parents. No longer caring for his own safety Scott ran toward his parents. He was in their arms like he was a little kid, he didn't care how old he was, just that they were safe.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" asked his father.

"Dad," Scott smiled and hugged his father. He never thought about letting go.

So what did you think, what needs to be fixed, are there any typos, tell me.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - February 5th, 2009

Hobo Man, once a proud CEO of a conglomerate now a downtrodden vagrant. After Lewis Strike's company went under his wife left him, taking over half his stuff, along with the kids soon followed by the IRS taking the rest. Forced onto the streets he had to fend for himself.

It wasn't until one faithful day digging in the dumpster behind a science facility did Lewis find a pretzel that would change his life in at least 361 degrees. For this was no ordinary pretzel, it was an improperly disposed of special pretzel made to enhance one's ability, also with salt and goes great mustard. Being the hobo he was, and seeing how it was encased in a plastic cube he ate it.

That must've been one hell of a pretzel seeing as he passed out instantly. Lewis woke in a cold sweat and saw it was night time. Something caught his nose, it was... it had to be, the pizza shop two blocks away was tossing out their leftover pizzas. But how could he tell so well. He got up and ran straight there so that he would get a good one.

To his surprise Lewis was running faster than he ever could, in fact he was running faster than the cars. When he arrived he almost took out a pedestrian when he stopped. He went around back and saw he was not the only one there. He saw one with his name on it and he knew that no on else was going to get it. So when he went for it and saw that someone else snatched he wasn't going to stand for it.

Lewis took his right hand and swung at the other hobo, no only did he drop the pizza box, but he also went through a wooden fence and into a pile of garbage. The other hobos backed off and it was at then that Lewis realized he had super powers, and not only that but super hobo powers.

He scarfed down the pizza and went to test his powers out. He saw some guy peddling with a guitar and asked if he could borrow it. Lewis picked it up, being this the first time he's held a guitar, and laid down some tasty jam unheard of. After only five minutes of playing Lewis made $60, way more than that other guy could make. He took the money and gave the guy back his guitar.

"I'm buying me some new clothes and a hair cut."

Lewis did a little skip and walked toward some random clothes shop when he heard police sirens. He thought nothing until he heard gunshots farther up ahead. A bank was being robbed, how cliche, and the robbers were well armed. Lewis went into the clothes shop and bought a orange ski mask and went in the direction of the bank.

While he was running he tripped into a telephone booth and saw he wasn't invulnerable. Not understanding his feelings of justice he went anyways. He went right through the front door and past the police line. In little of no time he took out 3 of the armed man but one had a hostage.

"Now I don't know who you are, but if you do anything else I'm going to blow this woman's brains out. You wouldn't like that on your conscious would ya?"

The man was behind the counter and the bullet proof shielding wasn't dropped. Since the man couldn't see where his hand was Lewis reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter. He slowly raised up his arm and quickly threw the quarter at the man's hand. It shattered it and he dropped the gun. The woman made a break and he was all alone. After knocking the last guy out he told one of the hostages to tie me up, take my ski mask and put me in the vault and close it. He complied and they all left which led to the police flooding in. He was there, a hobo tied up in a bank vault screaming for help.

Well the police let him go and well after filing some paper work at the station he was back on the street. They took his $45, the hat was 15 what a rip-off, so he was back where he was, no money to call his own. Of course with his super hobo powers, playing guitar, panhandling, and break dancing, I'm sure he'll make out.

Hobo Man is going to need villains with back stories, oh and a love interest. Hobo Man also needs a costume he'll buy or make out of trash bags or condoms or something like that.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - January 6th, 2009

I got a big tv where...

Hey Baby

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 25th, 2008

Well yesterday a package arrived me in the mail. Well seeing as I already knew what it was I opened that sucker up and inside was Guitar Hero World Tour(Full set) for the Xbox 360. Well the first thing I did was set that up on the big screen and jammed with my family.

It arrived at noon and I didn't stop playing till some time past midnight. It's a good thing I have the whole set or I would be in pain right now.

I picked up the drums really fast and went to medium after a few songs and the singing took a little getting use to but I can play on medium as well.

So I beat all the free gigs, which is all you need to do, yet for some reason I didn't get the achievement for it. Where is my 150 gamerpoints?

It's a good game and I prefer it to rockband.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 20th, 2008

Due to so many technical problems I've been unable to submit everyday. I've gone half a year without a computer, then 2 months of being grounded, then disconnected from the internet for 6 months. I would have around10500 experience points if I was able to deposit everyday.

I'd probably have the highest BP class as well. If only, if only, my computers stopped stopped working. I'd be level 31.

If I Voted Everyday

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 19th, 2008

My god what a wonderful thing this music is. I mean it helped me out of a depression. The thing is that it's not the type of music you'd expect to hear to get you out of one.

The groups name is Infected Mushroom and one of their songs, I Wish, is absolutely magnificent. These guys have made me fall in love with techno music and now I can't get enough. Converting Vegetarians is by far my favorite album by them. And I have every one.

Music is great and can help you out a lot. Try the Audio Portal once in a while too, I have nearly 100 tracks from there and the list is constantly growing.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 17th, 2008

Well I talked with her on the bus but the conversation wasn't much. Then when we got to school and she went her way and I went mine one of her friends asked me over. He told me that she didn't like me because I made her uncomfortable. Well I went through the first 2 stages of grief right there.

Later on during 1st hour finals I talked with her through text. I asked her about how people said she had a crush on me and how I asked her out but she doesn't remember her saying yes. She said it wasn't a crush but she wanted to meet new people and she was too nervous to talk to me. Now how the hell do you want to be just someone's friend if you were hiding behind someone so I wouldn't notice.

I'm now on the 4th stage of grief and I want nothing to do with her anymore. When I saw her waiting for the bus at school I didn't even so much as second glance at her. It's not that I'm mad she doesn't like me, but that she herself wouldn't tell me.

There is one more thing I don't get, she had boyfriends before me but she says she has a girlfriend now so she has no reason to like me. She gave me so many mixed messages of course I was lost.

I'm over it now. I talked with her which made me feel better.

Posted by Some-Stupid-Idiot - December 13th, 2008

Well you see, I haven't had any time to talk to her at all what with her having a job and being grounded and all. So I texted her, she can't really use the phone, that there is something I want to talk to her about and it has to be in person. Well you see I have no idea what I really want to tell her. Will I ask if she still likes me? I don't know, that is all I can think of. And after that then what?

She said she'll ride the bus Monday to talk to me, seems she has gotten a ride from her parents. Well I can also use this time to get to talk to her since I made apparent that I want to talk to her. Hopefully she doesn't forget.

Well a snow day means I have to wait until tomorrow. Dammit, at least I know she remembers.

Now she wasn't at school period. I sent her a couple text asking where she was but none came back. I then sent one asking if she wants to know what I want to talk to her about.